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Do we really need MORE of that? It's already got near-cockpit-level arm weapons anyway. I kinda wish the Gauss rifle barrels in the arms were shorter like in the concept art, but that's pretty minor. If you guys could make the Shadow Cat's Gauss rifle longer while shortening the MK-II's, that'd be fabulous... just saying. The nose shape is a slightly funny angle compared to the concept art imo, but it could be worse (like the Dire Wolf). But otherwise it looks great! Overall I'm really excited for this update! I haven't gotten to listen to the stream itself yet, but thank you PGI for giving us these sneakpeaks! #16 Kali Rinpoche Location Crossing, Draconis March Posted 28 April 2017 - 02:12 PM Great work David, Dennis, and Amit! Kudos to the rest of the team as well. The modeling is superb as always! #17 shopsmart Posted 28 April 2017 - 02:26 PM Asked about 11 slot weapons and how they were going to deal with them. Was said they answered it, but I was there for the entire stream and they DID NOT answer that question.

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Trama Carl Durant, brillante miliardario dell'industria farmaceutica, conduce esperimenti sugli squali tori, particolarmente imprevedibili e aggressivi. La notizia inorridisce Misty Calhoun, che sa quanto pericolosi possano essere i predatori del mare. Quando gli squali sfuggiranno al controllo degli esperti, la situazione precipiterà nel caos... Vedi anche Migliori film d'azione Migliori film del 2018 Migliori film americani 2020 Trasmesso il 14 novembre 2020 su Mediaset Italia 2 14 nov 2020 Trasmesso il 13 novembre 2020 su Mediaset Italia 2 13 nov 2020 Trasmesso il 16 ottobre 2020 su Italia 1 16 ott 2020 2019 Trasmesso l'11 dicembre 2019 su Mediaset Italia 2 11 dic 2019 Trasmesso il 10 dicembre 2019 su Mediaset Italia 2 10 dic 2019 Trasmesso il 16 novembre 2019 su Italia 1 16 nov 2019

¿Es 'Bocadillo' una tomadura de pelo? ¿Un troleo a los seguidores del 'youtuber' y al Festival de Sitges? ¿Un gesto subversivo, apoyado en estrategias propias del falso documental, que pretende cuestionar la institución cine tal y como la conocemos? ¿Un objeto fílmico no identificado neodadá? ¿Una acción mal calculada para promocionar a Wismichu? En cuestión de horas, no se habla de otra cosa en el mundillo de los aficionados al cine. Arden las redes. El 'youtuber' y su equipo han generado todo el ruido que no habrían conseguido con una proyección al uso. Tráiler de 'Vosotros sois mi película' Después, las explicaciones. 'Bocadillo' en sí no es el mensaje (a pesar de que la pieza resulte mucho más reivindicable de lo que el propio Wismichu y el grueso de los espectadores consideran). Más bien ha sido el gancho y el detonante de una provocación para nutrir un proyecto mayor que justificaría todo este montaje. El cineasta Carlo Padial se encuentra rodando un documental en torno a Prego y ambos han buscado en esta especie de 'happening' cinematográfico una forma de llamar la atención respecto a los niveles locos de fama que alcanzan los 'youtubers' y al abismo generacional que se abre entre ellos y la industria del cine.

Dixie looks at Iris. "Thank you for picking me. " "Of course. I want to get that win, right? " Iris smiles. "I think us doing something really physical and movement based is a bit risky... considering the medium. But risk are the best things to do. I was a grown man when I decided to pick up dancing. A lot of people think... taking on something a bit later is challenging. It is... " "But that's the best part of it. "Exactly. " Dixie grins. Meanwhile, Miserie and Wealth are both putting on their makeup. "I'll be honest Miserie... I haven't gotten to know you much in this competition. But having worked with you... I've become a fan. " Wealth nods. "Really?! " Miserie smiles. "You are an incredible young talent, and I wish I had an ounce of the strength you do at 21. " Wealth responds. "It's been hard. I really worried about finding my place in this competition... and I feel like i've left my mark. I had these fears with my parents... and the further i've gotten along, the better I feel about myself. "

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( EN) Halloween 4 - Il ritorno di Michael Myers, su Box Office Mojo. ( EN) Halloween 4 - Il ritorno di Michael Myers, su, CBS Interactive Inc. ( EN) Halloween 4 - Il ritorno di Michael Myers, su AFI Catalog of Feature Films, American Film Institute. V · D · M Halloween Film Halloween - La notte delle streghe (1978) · Il signore della morte (1981) · Halloween III - Il signore della notte (1982) · Halloween 4 - Il ritorno di Michael Myers (1988) · Halloween 5 - La vendetta di Michael Myers (1989) · Halloween 6 - La maledizione di Michael Myers (1995) · Halloween - 20 anni dopo (1998) · Halloween - La resurrezione (2002) · Halloween - The Beginning (2007) · Halloween II (2009) · Halloween (2018) · Halloween Kills (2021) Personaggi Laurie Strode · Michael Myers · Samuel Loomis · Jamie Lloyd

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Top reviews from the United States There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Reviewed in the United States on November 25, 2012 Verified Purchase The recent WWE documentary featuring the current reigning and defending WWE Champion, CM Punk is one of the best documentaries that the WWE have ever released. Following Punk from his beginnings in his home city of Chicago, through his development in ROH and his eventual arrival in WWE, Best in the World covers CM Punk's life thoroughly and entertainingly. Featuring fascinating interviews with behind-the-scenes decision makers, the story of the best wrestler in the world from indy wrestler to WWE's most unlikely champion is full of heart and humor. The matches create a nice story of Punk's time in the WWE, from his days in the developmental territory of OVW to ECW to the main roster of the WWE. There are no matches from Punk's time in ROH, which can be excused. The fact that there are clips from ROH on the documentary show that the WWE was determined to do this story right.

Vont-ils reprendre du service ou est-ce juste un clin d'oeil? Les Gardiens de la Galaxie originaux! Stan Lee et les extra-terrestres Si Stan Lee a bien évidemment le droit à son caméo habituel au cours du film, on le retrouve également dans l'une des scènes post-génériques! Ce dernier est entouré de grands individus à grosses têtes, sur une planète ou un satellite comme la Lune. Il s'agit en fait des Gardiens, une race extraterrestre qui observe l'évolution des autres races. Une scène qui pourrait bien confirmer la théorie que de nombreux internautes ont en ce qui concerne Stan Lee. En effet, selon eux, si ce dernier apparaît dans tous les films Marvel, c'est parce qu'il serait lui-même un Gardien: celui de la Terre, Uatu! Se pourrait-il que cette théorie se révèle vraie? Stan Lee est-il un Gardien? Groot entre dans la puberté Après s'être sacrifié à la fin du premier film, Groot est de retour dans sa forme la plus adorable: Baby Groot. Mais visiblement, il faudra se passer de sa mignonnerie dans les futurs films Marvel puisque dans une des scènes post-génériques des Gardiens de la Galaxie Vol.

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