Ray Donovan Episode Summary


TOP 2013 - 2020 • Showtime • 75 hours Drama, Crime Set in the sprawling mecca of the rich and famous, Ray Donovan does the dirty work for LA's top power players. He is the go-to guy who makes the problems of the city's celebrities, superstar athletes, and business moguls disappear.

Ray donovan season 3 summary

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So much for the healthy way of doing things. While Terry seeks out alternative medicinal options for his disease, engaging in a strange "tea ritual" that involves him puking his guts out and seeing a vision of Mickey, and while Bridget deals with not wanting to marry Smitty anymore because she met someone else, Ray deals with a truly unbearable teen star. He advises a 17-year-old celebrity about potentially damning pictures from an older woman he slept with, and how it would be statutory rape if she ever leaked them. The kid is obnoxious and aggravating and Ray does this simply as a favor because the kid's producer is helping Bridget out. The episode ends with a bang…a literal one. As Mickey and a handful of other convicts are transferred to maximum security upstate, they make a stop at a gas station when the back door flies open. The guards fix it, and they're on their way, but Mickey sees a tanker truck with a four-leaf clover on it. He's sure something is about to change his luck. Further down the road, the driver of that truck has a heart attack while the tanker is climbing a hill.

December 21, 2020