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Info: Black Bolt and his Royal Family, Medusa, Karnak, Gorgon, Triton, Crystal, Maximus the Mad and Lockjaw, try to protect the city of Attilan from enemies within and outside. Genres: Action Animation Sci-fi Sci-fi

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absolutely loved the gotou and kyouko development. finally getting an actual look at what their dynamic is like is such a godsend, i feel like i could watch an entire show about them. also, dat double meaning the shogi bits were cool, i really like kumakura so getting more of him was great. yet again a sequence that i don't get at all because shogi, but i think it's pretty cool either way to see the reactions, how they can pinpoint when/where a checkmate happened, etc. still don't get how the match/title system works—like, with the match system they were talking about for nikaidou and rei in both the first episode and this, and also the way the title kumakura was going for works vs the various class matches—but hey, i guess i can just go with it?

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December 22, 2020