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Szeto presenting during Cisco Live virtual. This is what conferences look like now. Szeto said Cisco IT identified sites like its major SaaS providers that it feels can safely be accessed over the public internet without VPN, which keeps resources free for more sensitive traffic. The switch giant's assessment of the tools its teams need followed similar thinking. Cisco is dogfooding with Webex during the coronavirus crisis, and uses Office 365. And because those sites are rated as safe, staff are reminded they don't need to be on the company's VPNs all day to remain productive. Which again means traffic that really needs to get from a staffer's home and into a Cisco office can do so swiftly and securely. To help things along, the corporation's IT team has created a new internal resource that offers what Szeto called "a single version of the truth" after after some inaccurate advice about VPN use and other matters circulated within the company. CEO Chuck Robbins has even referenced the new IT rule-book in his now-weekly all-hands meetings, in which Cisco is updating staff about its operations during the COVID-19 coronavirus crisis.

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level 1 Moderator of r/KissAnime, speaking officially Score hidden · 2 years ago · Stickied comment is the only official site. To bypass the adblock ban, follow this guide. If you want to use an alternative site, here's a list. If you want to complain about bans or bad ads directly to the admin, you may do so here. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. level 1 Nope. Plus, why pokemon sub? Smh. level 2 Because other than the opening theme, i feel the japanese one has like a more uncensored kinda thing. Well if there's any source hmu

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