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Hayden - Michelle Veintimilla Gotham, Seven Seconds and The Gifted star Michelle Veintimilla completes the principal cast of The I-Land. Netflix has been very secretive about the character of this new series, but here's what we know about the characters of The I-Land so far: Still from The I-Land (Image: NETFLIX) Still from The I-Land (Image: NETFLIX) KC In a profile with Kate Bosworth, New York Post describes her character as: "A "question mark" who remains silent, observing as the other characters run around like they're in Lord of the Flies. " Chase Chase in the first character to wake up on the island and wonder exactly what is going on. Moses Deadline describe Moses as: "A bit of a hippie who has a generally laid-back vibe, even in the face of real danger. " The I-Land starts streaming today on Netflix

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Undercover journalism is only acceptable when it fits a liberal agenda. That is the message from "professional" reporters and left-wing activists outraged about three successful video stings targeting President Obama's old friends at the left-wing tax-subsidized outfit ACORN. Conservative documentarian James O'Keefe and writer Hannah Giles, working for the website, posed as a pimp and prostitute during visits to ACORN offices in Baltimore, Washington, D. C., and Brooklyn. ACORN housing officials and tax advisers offered them brazen suggestions on how to lie on their applications, disguise their income, obscure their child sex-ring business and hide cash from abusive johns. ("When you buy the house with the backyard, you get a tin, " an ACORN counselor in New York told Giles, "and you bury it down in there, cover it and put the grass over it. ") Summing up the ACORN Housing Corporation philosophy, another Brooklyn ACORN official told the undercover pair bluntly: "Honesty is not going to get you the house. "

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They trust the old woman, and spend the night. It's there they found out that the innkeeper was actually from the southern water tribe, and was put in a fire nation prison when she was young for being a waterbender. Katara trusted her, and was offered to be mentored in water bending by the innkeeper. Of course, she accepted. She was the last water bender from her tribe that she knew of, this was a chance to reconnect with all her culture that she didn't get to experience because of the fire nation. Later, on a full moon when water bending is at its most powerful, The innkeeper takes her out into the woods to demonstrate her water bending. She tells Katara that you can learn to draw water from places you don't usually think about. To demonstrate this she pulls water out of the stems of the surrounding field of lilies. Katara, although impressed, says, "it's a shame about the lilies though. " To which the innkeeper replies "they're just flowers". At this point we see the major differences between the innkeeper and Katara.

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J'avais lu au préalable que ces 2 dernières saisons étaient en Version Originale Sous titrée mais cela ne me dérangeait guère puisque nous sommes d'origine espagnole! D'ailleurs, je me suis moi-même prise au jeu et j'ai fini moi aussi par suivre de très près les aventures de Ana et Alberto avec ferveur et je dois avouer que j'ai même préféré cette version originale, avec les propres voix des protagonistes, que la version française! On a donc adoré et on était assez tristes de voir le dernier épisode arriver! Mais ne dit-on pas que toute bonne chose a une fin? Tout cela pour vous dire que parmi tous ses cadeaux, ce fut le cadeau de Noël préféré de ma maman... et le mien aussi:-)) Si vous êtes friands, foncez, le sous-titrage est plutôt bien réalisé! Bon visionnage;-) Commenté en France le 22 août 2017 j aurais volontiers acheter cet article si il était en français mais malheureusement ce n 'est pas le cas... quel dommage pour les producteur qui pourtant en seraient les 1er satisfaits... Et de plus ce n 'est pas cool du tout de nous avoir fait devenir accros avec la saison 1 et 2 et de nous laisser sur notre faim.....

December 22, 2020